My Current Practice
I have developed 2 Open Educational Resources and am in the process of developing a MOOC for ultrasound education. The OERs are as follows:
Designing and developing both of them have been a learning experience for me. I started learning wordpress from scratch on my own and have integrated a learning management system into both websites. The first website is used to support a blended course, where learners use the website for learning prior to attending a workshop. I will consider my efforts according to the 7Cs of Learning Design Framework as follows:
1. Conceptualise
The course is targetted at junior medical doctors interested in learning point of care ultrasound. This topic requires the learner to have theoretical knowledge and apply that knowledge when performing a practical skill. According to the 7Cs framework, the design frames that i used to design the website are the content and competency frames.
2. Create
Using the Resource Audit Template, I can better appreciate and have an overview of the resources that I used in this course. This is something new that i have learned. In the past, I didn’t really have a framework to use when considering the resources that I would need.
3. Communicate
This is a weak point of my course. At present I do not have an easily accesible space for learners to communicate with tutors or with each other. I find this challenging. The content is quite factual. Perhaps one option would be to include a forum for discussion and problem solving of real world clinical scenarios.
Conversational Framework
I like the think-pair-share approach and feel that this could be something useful to incorporate into my course. I like that it provides a structured approach for learners to construct knowledge. Perhaps this could be something incorporated into a forum, where a clinical problem is articulated and the learners are asked to develop solutions.
4. Collaborate
5. Consider
I think this is vital. Learners do need to be able to reflect on what they have learnt. The modules that i have designed do include MCQ assessments. The MCQs do have a pass mark and completion is associated with award of a certificate.
Once again a discussion forum could be a useful tool to allow for interaction and reflection by learners.
6. Combine
7. Consolidate
I have not evaluated the effectiveness of my OERs. They are still in their infancy and are being developed gradually. Using the evaluation checklist would be a great place to start for me.
The 7Cs of Learning Design. Grainne Conole, University of Leicester.