So, it is the 10th of December and it is time to wrap the ONL experience up. I will use the questions posed on our community page to try and sort my thoughts and feeling out, here we go.

What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why?

The most important thing is without doubt the fact that it is crucial to take the social part of learning into account when designing a course, both online and in the classroom. It is important to create safe learning environments, and to handle feelings of frustration etc. The layout and structure of the ONL course in itself has been  very inspiring and I will use elements of it in my future course design.

I guess that 98% of the ONL participants has written something about their pbl gropus on this question, and so shall I. Without my pbl group (numero 9, the best) this journey would have been so much more boring and two dimensional. And I probably would have dropped out several weeks ago. Besides the many things I have learned, the many texts I have read and clips I have seen I am very grateful for having had the opportunity to meet Per Sandén, Filip Levälahti, Christiane Schnabel, Kamala Devi, Irene Eriksson, Sandeep Patil and also Richard Wesson (in no order), I have learned a lot from you and have really enjoyed our weekly meetings!

How will your learning influence your practice?

I am not quite sure at the moment. But I think that I will feel more confident trying and testing different kinds of tools with the students, but also with my collegues.

What are your thoughts about using technology to enhance learning/teaching in your own context?

I am using a wide range of technology to enhance learning, the difficulty is to know which tool to use in what situation, and to what extent. When is the tech getting in the way of learning and how do we support the students in their efforts to becoming digital and information literate?

The whole concept of blended learning and flipped classrooms is depending on the use of different kinds of technology in combination with traditional classroom teaching in order to enhance student learning. Digital tools is also a very efficient way of getting the students mote active, especially when you are teaching remote.

What are you going to do as a result of your involvement in ONL? Why?

  • I will use Zoom more!
  • I will take emotions into account in the online environment
  • I will accknowledge cultural differences in a better way
  • I will design an online course for fellow librarians and writing tutors greatly inspired by the ONL-set up
  • I will collaborate more
  • I will really look into the Design thinking model
  • I will think about the possibility to act as an co-facilitator (as a way to continue to learn)
  • Maybe write a blogpost now and again?

What suggestions do you have (activities and/or in general) for development of eLearning in your own teaching or context?

  • Read more!
  • Reflect!
  • Engage with fellow colleagues that are interested in trying and testing different ways of teaching in an online environment!
  • Have fun!
Topic 5: Wrapping it up