Dear friends,

We hope you are all well and have used topic 4 to learn more about flexible learning and pedagogies but also to identify opportunities and challenges for your students and your practice. We want to encourage you all to share in the ONL community, also your experiences and critical reflections from participating in the ONL course so far.

This week we have made a video with Marita Ljungqvist, project manager for the MOOCs-project at Lund University. She will talk about MOOC project  but also about ideas of how materials from MOOCs can be used as OER. On the 8 April 11 am (CEST) is the webinar about MOOCs and using OERs in higher education with Marita Ljungqvist, manager of the MOOC project at Lund University. We will there take a starting point in the video. 


In our timeline we have reached Topic 5 – Open Educational Practices (see resources and tasks here).  In this topic we will discuss Open Educational Resources (OER), open and closed tools as well as open access participation in courses and you will have the opportunity to reflect on openness in your own practice.

See you all online.

The ONL team

We have now reached topic 5 in our timeline. If you are aiming for a certificate (check participate modes and requirements) you should by now have written 3 posts. If you are part of a PBL-group you have been active in 4 discussions and participated in the collaborative work.

Don´t forget to post your blog posts in the PBL group and your group work in the big community.


Welcome to topic 5!

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