We hope you are all well! Now the end of the course is in sight and we hope you can keep up the good work all the way to the finishing line. The previous week was all about different aspects of openness in education and we have seen interesting and fruitful discussions going on in the groups and in the main G+ community. If you missed the discussion about MOOCs and OERs in the webinar with Marita Ljungqvist, you can find the recording on the event page.

Today is the start of the sixth topic, Designing Learning Environments. In all forms of education, on and off campus, support is an essential prerequisite for student engagement and learning. Universities have usually well-established support structures for campus students with workshops, consultation times and face-to-face teacher feedback. These structures are not always available for online students and it is not always self-evident where to go for help and as a result they may feel lost and drop out. This is why design issues are so important and support for learners needs to be available in a variety of forms.

This topic is for discussing and reflecting around what constitutes good support and well-designed learning environments. In addition to discussions in ONL community and the PBL groups there will also be a course tweet chat. If you not yet have experienced a tweet chat, please take the opportunity to join the tweet chat on Wednesday evening (see the event page).

At this point, we would also like to encourage you all to read some participants’ blogs that you haven’t looked at before, and also to comment on them! Check the Padlet page with links to blogs.

Please share your personal experiences regarding different aspects of design to support learning and explore together effective support strategies that do or could work in your professional context.

Have a great week!

The ONL team

In our timeline we have reached Topic 6  – Designing learning environments
See the timeline below and find tasks and resourses here.



If you are aiming for a certificate (check participation modes and requirements) you should so far have written at least 3 reflective blog posts. If you are part of a PBL-group you have been active in 5 topic discussions and participated in the collaborative work.

Don´t forget to post your blog posts in the PBL group and your group work in the big community.

Best wishes,
The ONL team

Welcome to topic 6 – Designing Learning Environments

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