Topic 1 in the ONL course was about digital literacy. Grown up in a not-digital world I consider myself as a digital visitor. Having two grown-up kids and working in a blended-learning program I certainly know about the benefits of the digital world, although in my personal life I mostly avoid leaving traces of my digital actions. I´m not using social media except for professional reasons. Did stories like George Orwells 1984 make me overly concerned about my digital privacy?
During ONL I will have to open up digitally, for example by writing this blog. Let´s see if it will change me or my opinions.
So far I really like the concept of ONL. Getting in contact with people all over the world and discussing topics like digital literacy is really interesting. And with all the worldwide problems due to Corona at the moment it helps to see we´re all sitting in the same boat and are on the right way providing digital classes.
In our PBL group we discussed the issues of student groups of different digital literacies and how to cope with it. We also talked about the problems to convince teachers or lecturers of the advantages of digital teaching tools. Well, at the moment they won´t have another choice and hopefully they will like it and remember when everything will be normal again. We will see!