Now, my ONL journey is over. Although it wasn´t always easy to find the time for the meetings, the readings, the research, the tasks and especially the blog I´ll surely miss the regular webinars and especially meeting my PBL-group. It was absolutely new for me to meet people over several weeks only online and inContinue reading “Lessons learned”
Online versus on-campus
Design for online and blended learning – that´s topic 4 and the end of my ONL journey is in sight. But first we have to think about how we could convince the head of our department to keep some changes which were made because of the corona-time. That is the scenario for topic 4. WellContinue reading “Online versus on-campus”
Is collaboration always possible?
How do my students manage that? They work, most of them full-time, have families and study a master-programme – all at the same time. I always had the biggest respect for them, but now, being in a kind of the same position – but only for some weeks and without grades – I don´t knowContinue reading “Is collaboration always possible?”
Reflection week – essential time to catch up!
Reflection week gives me time to catch up with all the ONL tasks I didn´t have enough time for during the last weeks. Next to setting up and organizing myself and the rest of the family in home-office, several online-meetings to convince teachers of the benefits of online-teaching (which is unavoidable at the moment dueContinue reading “Reflection week – essential time to catch up!”
Who is digitally literate?
Topic 1 in the ONL course was about digital literacy. Grown up in a not-digital world I consider myself as a digital visitor. Having two grown-up kids and working in a blended-learning program I certainly know about the benefits of the digital world, although in my personal life I mostly avoid leaving traces of myContinue reading “Who is digitally literate?”
Hello from Oldenburg!
Learning is like rowing upstream – not to advance is to drop back. Chinese proverb Here I will report about all the interesting input I´ll get on the ONL course.I´m looking forward to getting new ideas for online learning, meeting interesting people from all over the world and learning everything about all the interesting tools.Continue reading “Hello from Oldenburg!”