Photo by Ryan Graybill on Unsplash

Now, my ONL journey is over. Although it wasn´t always easy to find the time for the meetings, the readings, the research, the tasks and especially the blog I´ll surely miss the regular webinars and especially meeting my PBL-group. It was absolutely new for me to meet people over several weeks only online and in some way it was even strange that we never met in person. But it was also a very interesting experience.

Off course, the situation was special. As it was said before, the corona virus showed everyone the advantages and the importance of online learning. We also saw the boundaries of going online: not everywhere is and not everybody has the opportunity or the equipment needed, to name just one.

So what did I learn? I would say, quite a lot. I critically thought about my study-programme: Are there things we should change? Which tools, concepts or ideas can we use to increase the learning outcomes for our students? How can we start with OER? Should we change our learning design? But the most important thing I learnt is probably to stay open minded and rethink regularly what I do in my every day´s work. And although I would like to change some things immediately, I also learned that it takes time. Every subject and every teacher are different and need different kinds of concepts. I have to accept that it takes time to convince people, to make them curious about changes and to see the advantages. But I think I learned some very valuable arguments so I´m optimistic that with some more time I will manage it.

Coming back to my experiences, I really liked to get to know so many useful tools. Seeing some of them in the presentations of the group-works directly gave me an idea how they can be used. And with the obligation to use different tools in every topic´s group-work of our group showed me a little bit how to handle them. I hope, I´ll have many opportunities to use some of those tools in future. I´ll also recommend them to my teachers and students to have a bigger variety in their modules.

To talk about the ONL-presentations: it´s impressive to see the different ways to discuss the given scenarios. Most times every group had a different way to work at the scenario and to present their work. It was so impressive to see the different results, which in most cases gave me new ideas to think about the topic.

During my ONL-journey I had to leave my comfort zone in many ways. Reflecting my own experiences in a blog is nothing I´ve ever done before. There were many times I fought with the technical challenge or asked my son for help, which was an interesting change of roles at home, by the way.

Altogether I´m really happy I decided to do the ONL course and I really finished it. The biggest challenge for me for the future will be to keep all those things I learned in mind and not to fall back to “business as usual”. I´ll do my very best!

Lessons learned