So what did I learn? I learned that it is possible to collaborate with people all around the world at the same time. You just need to have a clear goal and rules how this group is working together. By working in groups everybody’s strength will be used and everybody can support each other. The … Continue reading Topic 5: Lessons learnt →
Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning
The best thing with my ONL group was that we were from different field and we had all different knowledge and experience. We had also different reasons why we participated in this course. Therefore we often choose to work so that what we did in a group could support somebody’s work. And that is what … Continue reading Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning →
Reflections over topic 3
Lets face the fact. This course takes more time than you think and you should write your reflections straight after the topic ends. But lets have a try here now. Topic 3 was about Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning. For me this was much about learning to understand the different meaning of communication, … Continue reading Reflections over topic 3 →
Topic 5, Group 2
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Topic 5, Group 2
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Catching up with topic 3
So what happens when you haven’t schedule enough time to studying? You think first that tomorrow is a more easy day and you will find the time to study. Then you notice that s*** you are stuck with work when the webinar is held. And the next thing you notice is that the hole first … Continue reading Catching up with topic 3 →
Am I open?
We are now working with Topic 2 for the first week in the course. And the topic is Open Learning, Openness and Sharing. Topic 2 started with a online presentation by Alastair Creelman and Kay Oddone. The presentation was about Openness and sharing in education. By watching the presentation I got the feeling that I’m … Continue reading Am I open? →
What did I learn from topic 1 ?
The topic 1 was tricky for me because I was on vacation the second week and I knew that there would be limited time for any studying. Therefore I suggested to my PBL group that I could do the summary and publish our summary to the rest of the ONL community. Time wise it was … Continue reading What did I learn from topic 1 ? →
PBL group 2, Topic 1
Check out our work here
Time for some reflection
First week of ONL and the topic was Connecting week. My group had two successful online meetings. It was my first time participating in a zoom-meeting and luckily for me everything worked and it was really easy to use Zoom. Our Facilitators were in charge of our meetings this week and it was a good … Continue reading Time for some reflection →
My first blog post
Yesterday we had our first Campus session. It sounds like we are going to do a lot but I’m looking forward to our first Webinar and the group session. Let the course begin!