
Topic 4  Design for online and blended learning 

Group work  Collaboration and group-work are used frequently in traditional, online and blended learning. Therefore my refection in this topic is about group work.  Educational research has shown that group work has many benefits such as positive impact on long-term material retention, critical thinking, and communication skills (Benson et el., 2019). Research also shows that … Fortsätt läsa ”Topic 4  Design for online and blended learning ”


Retention and Presence – is there a correlation?

When going through topic 4 (design for online and blended learning) many of our discussions focused on different types of presence and retention. We came to realize the importance of defining the context before planning and designing a course or activities within a course. When planning blended or online learning strategies, variation is a keyContinue reading “Retention and Presence – is there a correlation?”


Topic 4 Reflection

Blind of own thoughts – Dazzled by consciousness returning In my workplace we often used blended learning (pre-recorded videos, quizzes, lectures with teacher in room/by link, practical exercises, seminars, individual/group exam, verbal/written exam and so on) and I like it because I think it reflects a professional nurse work. An example: “Based on a learning,Fortsätt läsa “Topic 4 Reflection”


How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task?

My refection on topic 3. Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning Collaborative learning has an important place in higher education. Accordingly, group work assignments are often used as a form of examination.  It is therefore not surprising that there was a strong   interest in my PBL group in increasing collaborative learning within group tasks. One of … Fortsätt läsa How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task? 


How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task?

My refection on topic 3. Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning Collaborative learning has an important place in higher education. Accordingly, group work assignments are often used as a form of examination.  It is therefore not surprising that there was a strong   interest in my PBL group in increasing collaborative learning within group tasks. One of … Fortsätt läsa How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task?