Hi there!

Here just a short reminder about today’s Tweetchat with Professor Martin Weller. The event will start on 14:00 CET (check your timezone) and will be the last Tweetchat for #ONL212.

So, do not miss the chance if you have never participated in one or just want to engage with Martin and others in the community around the topic of designing for blended and online learning. This event will enable you to participate in other educational chats, such as #LTHEchat or #EDENchat and is a great networking and educational experience!

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

The ONL course organizers


“Tweetchat Martin Weller” is an adaptation of “Martin Weller Recounting Curly’s Law?” by cogdogblog licensed under CC BY 2.0


Last Tweetchat of #ONL212 today, Wednesday December 1, with Professor Martin Weller

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