The ONL course has been an amazing journey for me . I learned a lot from the webinars, the tweetchats , the different resources shared and the interaction with the different colleagues whether in my PBL13 group or the others in the network .
Having access to the other groups works was also very enriching for me, I enjoyed watching videos , looking at Canva presentations, mindmaps and many other formats that the other groups chose to deliver their final projects . I was amazed how many groups were creative using apps and new technologies for their group projects .
I also enjoyed reading blogs of other peers . Some of them were written in a scientific paper format with detailed references and a clear structure , some others were just personal reflections and opinions about the different topics . So there was a variety of blog styles . So I think variety is a key word in this course : variety of resources used by the instructors to deliver the course ( videos, podcasts, papers, books, presentations ) , variety of tools used to facilitate the course ( interactive webinars, tweetchats, Padlet walls ) , variety of participants from different cultures, backgrounds , countries and fields etc so that at the end I felt that I went through a very rich experience .
For me this course was also about Firsts: first tweetchat, first blog, first time working with the PBL approach, first time using Miro, first time working collaboratively into a multicultural and a diverse environment , first real international experience and first time discovering some tools and some topics . So I feel that I really evolved, I gained self confidence interacting in an international context and I feel that I acquired a lot of knowledge that I ‘ve already started sharing with my own students and my colleagues . I was just talking with some colleagues about organizing a workshop on digital literacy because right now I can see how is that important not only for us as teachers but also for our students . I also started working with the PBL approach in my in person classes ( here in Tunisia we teach on campuses) . I think it makes the whole difference with having students passively listen to my lectures, instead they’re actively involved into the learning process .
My group PBL 13 was an important part of this experience , we were meeting twice a week and we had very interesting exchange . Our facilitators Jukka and Paula were very nice and supportive , they shared with us additional resources during the synchronous meetings and they were always there to congartulate us when we submit our final projects and to give help when we need them . They were reactive when it comes to responding to my emails and I really appreciated their feedbacks to my blogs . They played an important role to bring us together as a group and to make the general atmosphere relaxed with their funny icebreakers and by teaching us new funny functions in Zoom . My colleagues were very respectful and the decisions we took were inclusive taking into account all the voices in the group . So thank you PBL 13 for this amazing experience! and hope that one day our paths will cross again.