Do we dare to co-create our education? With collegues? With students? With other subject areas? With other partners? And why should we?

Yes, I love to be open. Maybe you have gotten this by now. But why? I have given you some reasons earlier. But one of my big reason is also co-creation. I really belive in co-creation, and to be able to co-create we need to see simularities and points to connect upon. We have to meet at some point. We have to learn what to co-create about. That is also why I share my thoughts: For you to see if you agree. Or disagree. To discuss together. This way we co-create this blog.
Co-creation can be both scary and difficult. You don’t have control. You invite someone to enhance your work. This could of course be both beneficial and not to your liking. That’s the risk that you take. I belive that that gains in most cases are so much greater. But we also have to keep the risks at hand. We have to make deliberate desicions. But how could we learn about the riskt, if we never dare to try?
What do I mean by co-creation? Well I try to have this thought with me what ever I do. Becase I really belive that the output will be better. And it’s more fun too… Of course the level differentiates depending on what I do. Depending on what I am facing. If I am facing something new, I want to learn what others have done. But when I am confident, I want to improve. By letting students co-create my courses in H.E. we can both gain a better education, more relevance, but we can also foster student agency.
-To co-create is the future! Please leave a though or two!
Thanks! /Lotta