
Online Teaching and Architecture Pedagogy

Photo by Lina Kivaka on

Architectural education is having it’s own unique way of teaching and learning. It is typically belived by many practitioners face to face teaching is the ideal pedagogic model for architectural learning. But it is important to understand the revolutionary changes happened in the field of education due to the development of ICT . Architectural education deserves identification of newer methods in teaching and learning.

In this paradigm shift the technology has a big role to play. In the current context, information and communication technology has spread in to learning platform in a significant way. This scenario is differently appearing in architectural education. Since there is a unique way of teaching and learning in architectural pedagogy, the involvement of ICT also appeared in a unique way which is beyond the typical approach. 

Can we teach architecture online? providing answers to this question is challenging. But creating digital and online platforms for learning architecture will definitely increase the collaboration and networking which will be really supportive in problem solving tasks.

Topic 1 – Digital Literacy