We just had our second meeting in this topic. We came up with three questions we could investigate further until next meeting. You find them in our FISh document (see link below). You can pick the question/questions you would like to investigate more. Remember to share and discuss your findings in the FISh document. It will be very messy, but do not fear, we’ll come to a conclusion good enough to present for the world… and for that our children will remember us…. Ok, it’s time for weekend =)
FISh document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U_M5U6woTAg4spCUTB7NI-aRAMshPT6UijflSXryZ2g/edit#
Recorded meeting: https://arcada.zoom.us/recording/play/ocS8gXVwoDmb0onslcdTZ3yenBR6d9jP8v4x3p_GbT6c3EbaNl9yg3wWzfH3emEI?autoplay=true