
This blog post should have been written weeks ago, but there has been a lack of time aswell as most of my work time has been at the computer. That sometimes causes health problems, but that I may come back to later if it goes that way. You never know when you starts blogging.

Blogging is not something that is done in five minutes between other tasks that needs to be done. Blogging from my point of view is based on deep reflection and as so, needs time and preparation. Also writing a blog in another language than your native is in some ways hard. Expressing thoughts and reflections in a nuanced way to be able to make reflections clear, both to other and to one self, is hard work. But don’t misunderstand, I am not really complaining, more reflecting on all the things that influence the writing process, more or less for my own thing to be aware of what I may put students through when I ask them to reflect on topics.

Topic three focused on collaborative learning aswell as communities and networks, but for me most of all about connectivism, presented as a theoretical framework for understanding learning in a digital age ( Siemens, 2005). One principle for connectivism is that learning, and also knowledge, lays in the diversity of opinions. For me that could be a start point while working with student groups that more often tries to reach some level of consensus. What would happen if I as a teacher/fascilitator instead tried to build a scenario where they really needed to find diverse opinions and experiences. How would that influence their learning?

Also the model Kay Odone ( year unknown) highlights in her video when she presents the concept of PLN- Personal Learning Network caught my interest. I first came in contact with that concept during a programme on advanced level about learning and ICT at Gothenburg University, then presented as PLE- Personal Learning Environment. PLE sounds like it is closely related to PLN when I listen to Odones presentation about different definitions, but maybe PLE being more focused on people and tools. That also may be due to my understanding back then. Odone gives a new or maybe altered view of the concept especially by stating that PLN gives the opportunity to social learning at the same time as it is driven by the individual. The balance between being a social learner at the same time as being an indivual, responsible for my own choices is something I would like to create with the students. And maybe also in our group of faculty. The view of where that could end up is fascinating.

One eye opener for me during this topic is the differentiation Odone gives in her presentation (part 2, 40 seconds) about Online Learning Community and Online Learning Network.

That caused me to reflect in how I can shape learning situations where I support students to both develop their relation and work within their learning community but also open up for creating their own online learning networks. How can we create an environment during their three- year program that makes them feel safe in both situations, both to develop their collaborative skills aswell as valuing their needs as inidviduals.

That leads me back to connectivism, where decision-making is expressed as a learning process ( Siemens, 2005). The skill to choose what to learn and the meaning of information in a shifting reality is important for our students, and probably for us all.

Brindley, Blaschke and Walti (2009) express that it is important to help students gain experience of collaboration in groups. I agree with that without doubt and not at least for our students who will work in groups or teams on a daily basis. Brindley, Blaschke and Walti also states that collaborative work in groups skills in critical thinking and self-reflection can develop aswell as co-construction of knowledge. But from my point of wiew maybe we also need to support students individual skills on building networks, choose what they as indiviuals need to improve and which networks they need to create. So at the same time as we provides opportunity for interaction and connectedness in their program related learning community we may need to support their reflections about individual needs of knowledge and develop their own personal learning network. That needs to think more about.


Brindley, J., Blaschke, L. M. & Walti, C. (2009). Creating effective collaborative learning groups in an online environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(3).

Odone, K (2019) Personal Learning Networks, Theory and Practice. PART 1

Odone, K. ?) Personal Learning Networks. Theory and Practive, part two.

Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(1), 3-10.).

Topic 3- Learning in communitie- networked collaborative learning.