
Is it fair? Were you there? I participated in the twitter (@DrSEldh)  for #ONL222 today – and thought the questions were great – and I also got a lot of response. Good insights.  But also running into the common issue “I did not see your post” etc. So what is my advantage? Familiarity of tweeting, reading comments, liking and of course “literacy” in the media.

What I was not aware of was that I thought I also blogged on my usual home. That was a bit “new” – as my usual crowd would not get the context…..

Anyhow, it was fun, I felt seen (being very active), and that rubs the ego. Not always healthy. But at least I am there “visible”.

Have learned that the best way to get noticed on Twitter is to post a picture along with it. And I admire people who can fix text in the picture when they post – have not found that feature yet.

Well,  writing this with pain in my shoulders after a looooong day in front of the computer. Our group had a meeting. And it seems we are doing even more work until thursday. Promise it will be something good on Topic 1.

But great group! Love ya potatoes. You already taught me two new tools. Yep, the age of keeping up…. hmmm…
Challenge ourselves? The problem is when my big challenge is not working ?

PS. Our Charlotte Potatoes were great!  Big and fluffy! What a great variety. Thank you Charles Dowding!

Twitter Storm #ONL222