Reflection of Topic 3 – Gobbets

This blog post have four entries and structured in the following content based on the 3P-Model of learning from  (Biggs, J.B. 2003. Teaching for quality learning at university. Maidenhead: Open University Press.) This model describes three stages in the process of learning (in constructive alignment): Presage Process (Facilitating the group for Topic 3) Product (Our […]


Reflection on Topic 2 -The fries are good!

I participated in the webinars, and as the video recording was partly unavailable – I did not catch the references. I really tried to search for Bali et al 2017, but I have no hit on this. So, if you have a tool that you can lay on top that instantly records something or copy […]

So much work…

I was warned. I was warned about how engaging the course would be. I love the different groups reflections, tools they used – how different everyone interpreted the use case. I guess I added some reference to the former blog post. I am not sure this is what is expected. I am simply unsure. But […]

How to overcome insecurities!

(and maybe moving to more secure digital usage from being a visitor….) (Topic 1 #ONL222 -Digital Literacy….) This blog post is an expansion on Topic One to aid teachers in on-line learning to manage/handle insecurity to the technology (digital/computer)…The list is not exhaustive, and can of course be expanded.  Feel free to comment and add […]


Twitter Storm #ONL222

Is it fair? Were you there? I participated in the twitter (@DrSEldh)  for #ONL222 today – and thought the questions were great – and I also got a lot of response. Good insights.  But also running into the common issue “I did not see your post” etc. So what is my advantage? Familiarity of tweeting, […]


Topic one – while being away…

ONL is challenging while you are away. Love that the webinar was recorded, but we still are not savvy enough to 1) show the chat or 2) repeat what was said on chat (like repeating a question in an audience)..  for us, the late-comers that are the viewing audience (who cannot see the chat): So […]

First meeting with the Potatoes!

How long can you discuss a group name? This was not fun.  I was feeling frustrated that it mattered. Just pick a name and “get on with it”. I got stressed,  I have so much work and so little time. It did not help that I already feel like a loser somehow I missed the […]

ONL first blog post – Feel me!

Hi, I am Sigrid Eldh. A Senior Lecturer at Mälardalen University (through I am taking the course). I am also working at Ericsson as a Senior Specialist on Software test technology. And I am an Adjunct professor at Carlton University in Ottawa, Canada.   So why “feel me”? I am around structured cerebral and smart people: […]