OK, so twelve weeks later, how are things? If you take a short moment to think, at how you felt at the start of ONL192 around mid-September, and how you feel now, about the digital stuff that’s available out there, about your own capability? We hope you have found what you were looking for when you signed up for this course and that you will carry with you some of what you have accomplished into your future work. We also sincerely hope that you have had good fun on the way! We know for sure you have put in lots of effort into the course work – a quick glance at the groups’ presentations for the different topics will tell you that! Well done, all!
The previous two weeks were all about the design process for online and blended learning and we’ve been thinking and discussing a lot about important choices we make when preparing a course.
The next week, the idea is that we try to put it all together – from digital literacies, openness and sharing, networking and collaborating in communities to this design business – and reflect on what really happened in the course and what will happen now. Is it really an option to fall back to old ways of working or will we be looking for new and more updated ways to meet future demands? That is, of course, all up to you.
You will have an opportunity to reflect on this in your blog, PBL group as well as in the final webinar.
If you are aiming for a certificate (check participation modes and requirements) you should have written at least four blog posts by now and use this week to write your final, summarizing post. If you are part of a PBL group, you’ll be reflecting on the group’s achievements and sharing a final presentation in the main ONL192 group space.
We wish you all the best for future collaborations!