I have a dream

I am clearly in favour of a completely open education. Open access to literature, open educational resources, no tuition fees, open educational practice, open pedagogics and completely inclusive to all learners irrespective of their functional diversity or socio-economic status. Yes, I know that this is impossible, but that is my dream. I am not thatContinue reading “I have a dream”


Signal and noise

Knowledge is to sort, select, and discard. Therefore, what is included and excluded is always a matter of power. How does it affect what we see as digital literacy (and not)?


Connecting week

The last week I have connected with my PBL group. It was really nice to meet and see who where part of my group. I think we have a good diversity in various professions. For the connecting week I was the topic leader. I had to coordinate our group presentation to share with the community. … Fortsätt läsa Connecting week

This is the first …

… post I ever write on a blog and it feels both exciting and challenging. The blog will most contain my reflections on my own learning during the ONL191 course, but it may happen that reflection on other challenges can be on the blog when I become a little more used to this. Note to […]

Blog kick-off

Hello,My name is Elin Nilsson and this blog has become alive as part of my participation in the web-based course ONL191.I have previously taken courses at Didacticum at Linköping University, which provided a base and interest for web-based learning and…