
Two questions about open educational resources (OER)

As I journeyed through Topic 2, two questions formed in my mind: Are my blog and social media posts considered OER? According to UNESCO (n.d.), OERs are “learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, […]


Topic 2: Open Learning – sharing and openness

Confusion at the start When I first read that we would be examining “Open Learning”, I had the impression that we would be discussing topics closer to “customised learning”, perhaps mostly due to the definition I Googled (see Fig. 1) but also due to articles such as Lewis (1986). Hence, I envisioned learning about how […]

My reflection on topic 1

Digital literacy doesn’t merely mean technical proficiency .  It has multiple dimensions including technical proficiency, communication, digital identity  and security , creation and innovation. In the current education systems educators and students have to customise their teaching and learning to fit into the current digital world. Digital literacy is an important dimension in this for […]

Topic 1: Online participation and digital literacies

Echoes of a “Gen X” childhood   I grew up at the end of the non-digital age (if a label was needed, Gen X would probably be nearest the mark). In my childhood, I remember my parents buying the first desktop computer for our home running on Windows 3.11 and we had to use a […]

Missing the trees for the forest

Aiming for the forest When I signed up for this ONL course, I was thinking about connecting my students with other students in different parts of the world. I teach a module on workplace communication skills to undergraduate students. Most of my students are local Singaporeans. In some semesters, I get international students in my […]