Where the wind blows – Connection week

The first week on ONL241 encompassed us introducing ourselves numerous times and being in sheer awe of what educators, creators, experiment-ors, researchers and one airport engineer passionately showing us a Singaporean airport. Mind blowing stuff ...

What is it?

I have no expectations, yet the excitement of learning something new fills me with excitement. That is my mantra that is perhaps constrained or stifled by the need to use academic language. I hope I ...

Getting started

Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting you all! I am Annette and work in a university pedagogical unit at the UCPH, helping teachers at HUM, THEO, LAW and Social Science at UCPH ...

ONL 241 – reflection space

I’ll be using this WordPress site as my reflection space for the ONL241 course – which I think is what we (10 years ago at least) used to call an X-MOOC, collaborate and all that ...

Here we go again…

I am a person who likes learning new things and adding to my knowledge means doing new things. At the turn off the year I made a professional journey change by switching from a leadership ...

Moving Forward

All too soon, I feel, the course has come to an end. I’m afraid I was not at my best in the last few weeks, as I suffered a tragedy in the family, and am ...

The Future is Blended

While I like blended learning because the learning environment and tools can be expanded to accommodate different types of learners with different schedules, paces of learning and communication preferences, I personally do not enjoy hybrid ...

To Work with Others, Know Thyself

In some ways, especially technology-wise, this is a golden age for collaborative learning. Top tier universities such as MIT and Stanford offer course materials for free, internet access is prevalent worldwide (although stability and speed ...

Open Minds

I must admit that the talk by Maha Bali opened up several avenues of thought for me concerning open education. Previously my perception of open education was perhaps somewhat naive and oversimplified – to me, ...

Digital Literacy(ies?)

The concept of literacy has become more multi-faceted and complex as technology, pedagogy and social consciousness have progressed. Just being able to read and write in one language is no longer sufficient in today’s society ...