All good things must come to an end, even ONL. So, it’s time to sum things up and reflect about the entire course. What have I learned, and how will it affect my teaching in the future? First, I would like to applaud the meta organisation of the course; we have learned about online learningContinue reading “ONL201 – Final thoughts”
Emotional reflections
För att kunna lära måste du känna / Annars blir din kunskap grå och platt Lisa Ekdahl, På jakt efter solen, 1994 (To learn, you must feel / Otherwise your knowledge will be grey and flat.) Topic 4 is about designing courses for online and blended learning, a large and complex topic, worthy of finalisingContinue reading “Emotional reflections”
Collaborative learning – dream or nightmare?
Group work. I guess the very phrase stirs emotions in most people. Perhaps memories of embarrassed pupils reading from papers with text copied verbatim from a textbook, while staring at their feet. What is the reason for such seemingly pointless activities? Is there any secret wisdom that only teachers possess? Maybe. From the teacher’s perspective,Continue reading “Collaborative learning – dream or nightmare?”
Reflections on sharing and openness
My first reaction when I saw the theme of Topic 2 was that this would be an easy one. Of course, we should be open and share, how hard can it be? But, as usual, things eventually grew a little less straightforward. There are (at least) three aspects of openness in education: Sharing knowledge withContinue reading “Reflections on sharing and openness”
Thoughts about online presence
The first ONL topic is over, and time has come to summarise and reflect. It has been two very rewarding weeks. It is hard to avoid thinking about the rapid development in the digital world, since it affects us all, whether we like it or not. But I have never done it in so manyContinue reading “Thoughts about online presence”
Connecting week
So, the ONL201 course has started, the Connecting week is over, and it’s time to write my first blog post (of my life, actually). So far, everything has worked out fine. It is always nice to meet new people. Well, of course we haven’t actually ”met”, only talked to each other over the internet. WhichContinue reading “Connecting week”
A first test
Hi! This a test blog post to see if the tech is working. More to follow… 🙂