What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why? · Online collaboration skills- I learnt that a successful facilitator takes the guide-on-the-side approach. The scaffolding is provided, and the students are responsible for the collaboration. · Self-confidence : even when I felt that I did not do a good job, my group really boosted my confidence by showing me I actually went above and beyond the requirements. I felt valued and appreciated · the value of blogging – I really found this a creative way of reflecting. I enjoyed that there were no boundaries and I enjoyed trying new blogging techniques. A blog can be a place where all the bits and pieces I create and explored in the online and offline world could be housed. How will your learning influence your practice? This course has taught me a lot of how my students feel with regards to online learning. I will be more empathetic to their concerns regarding using a new online tool and scaffold their knowledge. I also realised how long it takes to acclimatise to a new tool and how it works. The time allocated for the task needs to include in the task time expectation as well as the use of the tool should be awarded marks. Writing a blog started off difficult, however I have really enjoyed the creative freedom and it has shown me how essential reflection is. I will include blogging in every Module I lecture. What are your thoughts about using technology to enhance learning/teaching in your own context? In our technological world, blended learning is essential. It is important to use technology in a meaningful way to enhance teaching and learning. The tool chosen needs to be “fit-for-purpose” and used to enhance learning. Some of the modules I lecture are on the VC Learn Platform. This allows learners to engage with the online content to consolidate learning or to self-direct their own learning. I also use technology that students will need to use as Teacher’s in the new world classroom. My lectures are delivered using an Interactive Smart Board and I use the Smart Software. Many schools have this and through my lectures, I encourage students to interact with the Smart Board to encourage confidence for when they go into Teaching Experience. I try to teach my students that they must integrate technology into their own lessons during Teaching Experience. This can be done through interactional online games that are displayed on the smart board. Another way is to show the learners a short You-Tube video as a “hook” for learners. FINAL THOUGHTS

The Final Blog