
Welcome to my space for the reflections on topic 1 – Online participation and digital literacies.

Today I watched these videos and was mindblown by the approch:

David White: Visitors and residents (part 1)
David White: Visitors and residents – Credibility (part 2)
I was stunned, that I havn’t heard about the “Visitor and Resident concept” before. I mean .. 8 years since it has been posted and only now I’m aware of this. Thanks to myself, I signed up for the course. I was impressed
David White used the Visitor and Resident concept in order to challenge the “Digital Native and Immigrants” idea by Marc Prensky.
Note to myself, definitely still to read and quote correctly: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/10748120110424843/full/pdf

.. to be continued ?

Topic 1 – Online participation and digital literacies