Introduction week in the ONL course is about to end. Tomorrow we send in our group presentation. It turned to be a slick Prezi presentation!
The week started off with a couple of Zoom meetings. I reflect on how the technology keeps making it self a participant in the meeting as the human part of it gets interrupted by technological flaws and hiccups. As a participant in an online meeting I tend to fall into a bit nervous alert mode regarding the technology, as the communication can get interrupted or distorted and by that interfering and challenging the perception aspects of the human interaction. I think video conferencing is brilliant and with many benefits. But the technology itself is, so far, always present with its unstableness and unreliability.
As mentioned, the first task for my group was to make a presentation. Despite having information about the ONL course in several different media channels, the introduction week started with a feeling of standing on the edge, not sure where and how the next step would take ground. But as someone took an initiative on some aspect, and another participant on another aspect, the task of a group presentation was soon ahead along with an infrastructure for communication. Experiences and expectations was also shared within stories related to our task. The introduction week turn out to be a beginning of a very interesting learning journey with my fellow group members!