During this past week we have explored Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness, and started to discuss and reflect upon a plethora of things. What does openness mean? Open as in uncensored, open as in putting material or resources out there for anyone and anywhere to find, or open as in answering questionsContinue reading “Topic 2: Openness and sharing (in relation to accessibility and possibility)”
Visitor in (cyber)space?
The past two weeks have been somewhat hectic. Far too many interesting things capture my curiosity and I struggle to keep find both time and focus for necessary things to be done. Among the things both necessary and interesting was topic 1 of the Open Networked Learning course: Open Learning – sharing and openness. WhoContinue reading “Visitor in (cyber)space?”
This post is the very first in a series of posts where I will reflect upon learning and teaching as a part of the #ONL212 course that I’m taking during the fall of 2021. If you want to read a little bit more about me, please head to the About page that you will findContinue reading “Welcome!”
This post is the very first in a series of posts where I will reflect upon learning and teaching as a part of the #ONL212 course that I’m taking during the fall of 2021. If you want to read a little bit more about me, please head to the About page that you will findContinue reading “Welcome!”