These were my first feelings and thoughts when I started this course. Frustration was another feeling. Will I learn anything useful in this course?

After digging into all the material and listening to the webinars I had to admit that I was wrong. Very wrong. I deserve a slap in the face! I’m glad I gave a slap to myself this early in the course. So, let’s have a new start.

I had no idea the pedagogy and psychology behind digital literacy would be this interesting. I am so happy that the other participants in my PBL6 group opened my eyes and mind to see things from different angles. There is always something new to learn and if you know something, you can always deepen your knowledge.

The article about developing digital literacies (JISC infoNet 2014) with its image about the seven elements of digital literacies (DL) gave me a whole new aspect of the complex and interesting world of DL. Never thought about it having so many different elements. Beetham and Sharpe’s pyramid model of literacy development model describes so well my, my mothers and my children’s stage of DL. My mother on a level of access ad awareness in some things and skills in some things. Me myself on a level of skills and practice, while my children are on a level of identity in most of things.

I found White & Cornus’ (2011) article about digital natives and Immigrants vs visitors and residents very interesting. I really don’t feel like a digital immigrant even if I was born when we used analog phones and read the information from books. I prefer the use of visitor and resident instead and feel like I am a visitor most of the time, but maybe more a resident in my private life, because yes, I do see my professional life and private life as two different things and want to keep them like that. Maybe that improves that I am a visitor, still trying to distinguish between private and professional me.

I also found some interesting material googling around. Levy (2018) had listed the 7 coolest things digitally literate teachers are doing in their classrooms. There are many cool apps out there that I have never heard of. Some of them quite interesting, maybe I have to try them!



JISC infoNet 2014. Developing digital literacies. Found 7.10.2018

JISC The Design Studio. Definition of digital literacies. Found 7.10.2018

JISC The Design Studio. DL conceptual frameworks. Found 7.10.2018

Levy, L. A. 2018. The 7 coolest things digitally literate teachers are doing in their classrooms. USC Rossier Online. Found 15.10.2018

White, D. S., Le Cornu, A. 2011. Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday. Peer-Reviewed Journal of the Internet. Found 7.10.2018


Digital literacy – nothing new for me here… Or?