
I’m not new in the field of e-learning, as I have relfected in other posts. But, as in the picture, like kids, we are always learning something new. That’s what I adore of being teacher.

Obviously, this course makes a good review of literature on how to organize an online collaborative learning, and faces most of the issues you can find in your path. But the most valuable learning for me has been to put in practice what PBL online is with a great support team of facilitators and synchronous activities.

Related to ICT, as a Computer Science teacher, technology is part of my lectures, obviously. But I have learn about some ed-tools I ignored (mural, padlet, miro) that can be very beneficial for teaching


After those intense weeks of ONL, I have plenty of ideas in my mind. When you get into something you like, the normal reaction is to think it is silver bullet and to try to turn upside down your methodology. But in education, as in many other fields, there is usually no silver bullets. So I need to organize all these ideas and take them in consideration adecuately.

Something that bothers me is the lack of resources in our institution that makes difficult to have a good support to students. Another issue to take into consideration is the heterogenious student body we have, where most of students work and study at the same time, so it’s going to be difficult to plan synchronous activities.

Next steps

As I said, I would like to make a relaxed reflection and a review of all that I have learnt to try to introduce some changes in my lessons. Fortunatelly, my institution is prety open to this kind of changes, so I’m going to create a workshop with some colleagues to discuss how to face our teaching challenges with the leasons learnt.

And finally, I will keep in touch with my PBL group and ONL community though social networks, as we share common concerns.

Thanks to the organization, to our facilitators, Fredrik and Bianca, and to all my colleagues for making this trip so confortable and charming.

Topic 5: Lessons learnt