How did I get here?

Honestly, I became an academic by accident.

I was a drama teacher and decided to go to Law school while teaching part time during my early twenties. Now I am a commercial litigation attorney by profession and a complete nerd by personality. I love reading and have always loved research.

At the age of 30, I decided to take leap of faith and leave private practice in order to pursue my Masters degree in Labour law – primarily with the intention of giving myself a professional edge in the field of labour law litigation. During the first few months of my newly acquired adult student status, I was offered a part-time lecturing position by the IIE’s (Independent Institute of Education) Varsity College. The truth is that I accepted this purely in order to fund my newly downgraded financial status of full time student.

Within a few months I had completely fallen in love with academia and was offered a full-time lecturing position. I have (hardly) looked back.

I am passionate about the teaching and learning aspects of adult education and I plan to embark on a PhD in Higher Education – specifically, in the field of equity in legal education and designing a law classroom for academically weaker students.

As I wade into the murky waters of online learning and educational technology (I am a tad technologically challenged- even though I am a millenial!), I am nervous and excited to be out of my comfort zone of a physical classroom. My professional and personal aim is never to stop learning.

Check out my online teaching portfolio:

Accidental Academic