Looking back on the last twelve weeks of coursework, I realized that this experience has been truly enriching and would have not been as rewarding without the help and guidance from our ONL course organisers, Alastair, Maria, Lars, and Lotta. I also want to acknowledge people from my own institution, NUS, who were also instrumentalContinue reading “12 weeks on: What have I learned?”
How to design an online course?
I must admit that among the five topics covered in our ONL course, this is the topic I struggled with the most. To be honest, it was taken up during our exam week and so I was only able to devote a minimum amount of time for this topic. Fortunately, all our discussions were recordedContinue reading “How to design an online course?”
How do we create a good collaborative environment?
It’s important to discuss the benefits of collaborative learning in creating a good collaborative environment. Based on the response of the participants in my group, sharing and fun are standout descriptions given as main benefits of collaborative learning. The ability to share ideas from a diverse group and learn something new from different perspectives areContinue reading “How do we create a good collaborative environment?”
Am I Really Ready For Open Learning?
Openness. Open learning is something not foreign to me. Having been in education for many years, I’ve benefited from open learning thanks to the free online resources available within my fingertips. There is a myriad of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC’s) on the web, and only my circadian rhythm seems to be the physical limitContinue reading “Am I Really Ready For Open Learning?”
Digital Literacy, anyone?
The past few weeks have been a roller-coaster ride for me in terms of learning. I’m on a high when I am able to catch-up with the new online platforms that are shared in our ONL group. It’s such a joy when you learn new things, in this case, new online tools that I’ve neverContinue reading “Digital Literacy, anyone?”
Doc Foodie
The best way to a man’s or woman’s heart is through their stomach.
Doc Foodie
The best way to a man’s or woman’s heart is through their stomach.
My First Blog Post
Nasubukan mo na bang hulihin ang hangin? (Have you ever tried to chase the wind?) — Apolinario Mabini Hi Everyone. I am Eugene, a lecturer at the National University of Singapore. I am in the field of occupational medicine and I have been in academia since 2006, and currently teaching anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. I […]
My First Blog Post
Nasubukan mo na bang hulihin ang hangin? (Have you ever tried to chase the wind?) — Apolinario Mabini Hi Everyone. I am Eugene, a lecturer at the National University of Singapore. I am in the field of occupational medicine and I have been in academia since 2006, and currently teaching anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. I […]
I am Eugene
I am Eugene and I am a lecturer at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS). After finishing my Doctor of Medicine from the University of Santo Tomas in 2014, I pursued a specialization in Occupational Medicine and I am now a Diplomate of […]
I am Eugene
I am Eugene and I am a lecturer at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS). After finishing my Doctor of Medicine from the University of Santo Tomas in 2014, I pursued a specialization in Occupational Medicine and I am now a Diplomate of […]