I have learned a lot during these weeks of exchanges, change of perspective and being a learner again – which I am doing quite often. However, being aware, that it is important to change on and on the perspective and that is very enriching, is actually a basic understanding for me as being a lecturer… Weiterlesen →
KISS – Keep it simple stupid ;o)
For the last group work it was difficult to find a good tool, which we haven’t used before and which will work properly. So my suggestion as the facilitator of Topic 5 was to create a short video with our experiences and lessons learned assembled. Therefore I choose Powtoon which seemed on the first hand […]
Design for online and blended learning
I have to admit, that I am not that experienced in designing courses for online learning and as well don’t have that much experience in blended learning. Why? It has to do with somehow a lack of time to go deeply into these topics and develop myself material for blended learning. Maybe one would think… Weiterlesen →
Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
Technologies for learning processes – useful or not? A very interesting topic indeed and as well, indeed, loads of possible technologies, tools and/or apps, which can take us away in loads of time investigating in the access and use of it. In all this flow and movement of multitude of possibilities nowadays I do have… Weiterlesen →
Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
As well mentioned in the introduction video it‘s a very broad and diverse understanding behind the word „Open“ – I like a lot how the multiple perspectives are explained and that in the end each of us has in some perspective a similar understanding, which brings us together, and of course some differences which I… Weiterlesen →
Who we are? – PBL group 9
Our two lovely facilitators, proposed us this interesting and funny “tool” called padlet.com to present ourselves in a very quick way and that looks already good ;o). As well we decided very quick, which points we need to have from all of us to describe us well: Name (obvious), where we are from and what […]
test of pbl 9 form
this is not real Check out our work here
Digital Literacy
It took me some time to get into this Blog – or better to say, to set it up. I used to have a blog many years ago, at that time it was via Blogger.com, which was really easy to set up and you were directly into blogging. This time it took me quite a… Weiterlesen →