12 weeks felt fast and slow at the same time. I think I have definitely gained a lot of insights from my peers in my PBL group (shoutout to PBL09) who are all so witty, funny, and unapologetically themselves (often creating lots of laughter in our meetings).

Being part of an online learning group really forced me out of my comfort zone for one, and put me in the position of a student in these unprecedented times where everything has been thrown online. It brings me closer to the ground, and I can better understand what a student could be facing when we employ all the e-learning modules for them.

Other than that, delving into the different topics really broadened my horizons and made me think deeper about things that I would never have, e.g. Community of Inquiry, the 5-stage model, etc. We also navigated different online tools for presentation, and I have learned to use Prezi and online mindmaps along the way as well. These were new tools that I would definitely want to use for my future classes.

Finally, I would like to thank my lovely PBL groupmates for their contributions, commitment, and kindness in the 12 weeks we collaborated. It was because of them that I was able to achieve higher order thinking skills (shameless plug HAHA) and it was indeed refreshing to work with a diverse group of people.

Onward to greater heights for all our endeavors in education. Cheers!

End of Course Reflection