
3. Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning

What is the difference between collaboration and cooperation? When you recall your own or your student’s group work, has the work been done more cooperatively or collaboratively? Have you been in the situation that your brain can only be triggered or your energy can only be focused on the matters when you are in aContinue reading “3. Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning”


Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay I like to think that I have been an early adopter of learning in communities. My Personal Learning Networks have evolved over time – beginning with face to face communities such as TeachMeet NSW: “​TeachMeets are free, informal, collaborative experiences organised by educators, for educators in order to share … Continue reading Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning

Collaborative learning for the society?

The three main functions of universities are often described to be education, research and serving society. These functions are intertwined, but here I’m focusing especially on the third one – serving the society – in relation to collaborative learning in education. Teaching students to be academics and professionals in their fields can of course beContinue reading “Collaborative learning for the society?”

Reflection on Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning

Dear blog and readers, During the last two weeks, we have discussed collaborative learning from many viewpoints in our PBL group. I have enjoyed the discussions and it has been interesting to learn from other teachers who come from different countries and different learning environments. Surprisingly, the challenges and opportunities of collaborative learning seem to … Continue reading Reflection on Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning